Current Obsessions #11

current obsessions 11This week I’ve mostly been inspired by my new house. I’ve been trying to think of key features and what I need to buy first. I’ve always loved juxtapositions so I’m going for a lot of vintage style items put together in a way that gives off a contemporary feel and artificial items inspired by nature. Candles, fairy light and drapes will feature heavily as always and I will try and post updates as I do it up to inspire others on a similar path.


Current obsessions #1

I recently realised that I haven’t had any regular features on here this year, so I thought it was about time to start a new one. I don’t have much free time at the moment so I decided to go for something fun and simple.

Each week I will post a “current obsessions” board with the 5 images that have been most inspiring/influential to me. These will include hair, make up, products, ideas and general inspirational images and will hopefully be fun for you guys to look at too.

26.8 inspirationThis week I love grey-blue hair, burgundy eyeshadow, latex moth garters, bird cages full of fairy lights and Anhydrite.