A change in circumstance.

Around the time that my laptop broke and I stopped writing here regularly, I also lost my childhood dog of 18 years, Scamper, who I have previously featured in an outfit post, here.

It wasn’t possible for me not to have a dog in my life and I was very lucky to find my dream dog, in need of a new home.

Screen Shot 2014-12-14 at 17.24.18This is Charlie, the fluffy wolf.

Then one day we met a beautiful female that looked a bit like him and decided he could do with a play mate.


This is Ziva, her name means brilliance or brightness in Hebrew but it seems she didn’t get such a great start in life.

1501843_10152751785305365_272361432752886498_nBoth dogs were under two years of ages when they came to live with us and had already had several homes.

10401403_10152792368405365_527676189745891949_nI’m glad to be able to offer them a safe and happy place to live.

10614267_10152759682785365_2515092036977737445_nEven though they do various naughty things…

1661042_10152787837000365_8956717407016056294_nSometimes they behave like little angles.


As cute as these guys are, they are also a lot of work and I have had to make changes to my schedule in order to offer them everything that they need and my blog has ended up suffering.

From the new year, I will be introducing a new program and finalising the layout changes I started in the summer and I’m really looking forward to getting back on track.


1 Comment

  1. VamppiV 19th December 2014 / 11:31 am

    Wow, so incredible cute! <3

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